“Metz-Tex” is a revolutionary technology for the global textile, dyeing and finishing industries, possessing breakthrough anti-bacterial and bacterial resistance, able to confer onto any types of textile fabrics a bacterial resistance/killing potency that can withstand more than 50 wash cycles. It is able to effectively block and neutralize bacterial and viral activities in the environment.

Metz-Tex is Environment-friendly and Promotes Carbon Reduction
• Traditional processing equipment requires constant thermal energy supply, such as steam or electricity
• Metz-Tex equipment can reduce up to 50% less thermal energy expenditure
• Relieves the strain from energy shortage, reduces enterprise energy consumption needs, lowers the costs of energy consumption, and decreases carbon dioxide emission
• No waste water discharged and disposal needed
• Green and environment-friendly production technology
Ever since the global COVID-19 pandemic started more than 2 years ago, there are no signs of effective pandemic control. It is inevitable that humans will need to think about how to co-exist with this virus. The “Metz-Tex” technology can be applied to almost all types of textile fabrics and widely used in everyday life products, offering protection for humans in a society where virus is ubiquitous in the environment, and to have no more fear!
Corporate philosophy of Metz: Today's work completed will be tomorrow's work unfinished; do not stop thinking about the evolution of technology, nor be afraid of failure!

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